09 December 2015

Public art projection featuring images of humanity and climate change to illuminate St. Peter’s Basilica on the opening of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy on Dec. 8

“Fiat Lux: Illuminating Our Common Home” developed in partnership with Paul G. Allen’s Vulcan Inc., the Li Ka Shing Foundation, Okeanos and Obscura Digital, under the auspices of the World Bank Group’s Connect4Climate, as Gift of Large Scale Architectural Projection to Pope Francis and call to... Read More

03 August 2015

Projecting Change: The Empire State Building

On Saturday, August 1st, 2015, Oscar®-winning director and Oceanic Preservation Society founder Louis Psihoyos (RACING EXTINCTION, THE COVE) and team, in collaboration with ObscuraDigital, Academy® Award nominated composer J. Ralph (RACING EXTINCTION, THE COVE), Discovery Channel, Vulcan Productions,... Read More

21 July 2015

A Life Changing New Milestone for China’s Organ Transplantation Reforms The Li Ka Shing Foundation Supports Move Towards Transparency

(Hong Kong, 21 July 2015) On January 1, 2015, the National Organ Donation and Organ Transplant Committee announced the ban of organ harvesting from death-row inmates, designating civilian organ donation as the only legitimate source for organ transplants. Behind this historic health reform in China is... Read More

26 June 2015

Li Ka-shing introduces the “Thriver” OS with empathy as its kernel

(Shantou and Hong Kong, 26 June 2015) We are constantly upgrading our smartphones and their OS (operating system) to make them better, but have you ever wondered if the OS of your life could also be upgraded? At this morning’s commencement speech delivered to over 2,000 graduates of Shantou University... Read More