27 June 2017

To Do and to Be

(27 June 2017, Shantou and Hong Kong) Mr Li Ka-shing, Honorary Chairman of the Shantou University Council, officiated at the Shantou University (STU) Commencement Ceremony this morning. Mr Li believes that now more than ever, students must be ready to do and to be in order to capture the exponential... Read More

24 June 2017

Xinhua Interview with Mr Li

1. Right before the reunification in 1997, many companies worried about Hong Kong’s future, including the British, and moved their domicile or divested from Hong Kong. What were your views of the city’s economy at that time? Looking back over the past 20 years, how do you see your decision made at... Read More

19 February 2017

Speech of Mr. Li Ka-shing

Good morning to all our distinguished guests and friends ,and my warmest welcome to Team Hannah and Team Jasmine , faculties and students on board Yan Ping . For the past week , I have followed with intense interest your 640 Km relay via the satellite tracker , the stories you shared on the message chat... Read More

17 October 2016

Decide Well starts

The first phase of the Project “Decide Well, Spend Wisely”, co-organized by the Li Ka Shing Foundation, the Hong Kong Council of Social Service and St James’ Settlement, kicks off today by distributing HK$5,000 to each of the DSE students from two of the participating schools, namely TWGHs Lo Kon... Read More