08 March 2018

Li Ka Shing FoundationDevotes HK$3M toLocal Social EnterpriseLongevity Design HouseTargets to Serve 1,000 Vulnerable Elderly in5 Districts within 12 Months

Hong Kong [08-03-2018] – LONGEVITY DESIGN HOUSE announces a sponsorship from the Li Ka Shing Foundation today to support the project “Longevity Care Home Modification Project” (referred to as “Home Modification Project”). The project aims to improve the living quality and safety standard... Read More

22 February 2018

Mr. Li Ka-shing visitedFood Angel’s Community Center to spend Chinese New Yearwith the elderlyDonated HK$10 million to expand its services

(22nd February 2018, Hong Kong) Today, on the seventh day of Chinese New Year, 20 ParknShop volunteers led by Mr. Dominic Lai, Group Managing Director of A.S. Watson Group and Ms. Malina Ngai, Chief Operating Officer of A.S. Watson Group, came to Food Angel’s Community Center to prepare hot meals and... Read More