17 December 2009

Important Notice

  It has recently come to our attention that an unscrupulous party, who claimed himself to be “Victor Ka Shing” and alleged to be connected with Li Ka-shing Foundation (“the Foundation”) and/or our Chairman, Mr. Li Ka-shing, and/or his son, Mr. Victor Li (one of the directors of the Foundation),... Read More

12 December 2009

Professor Ying-wei Wang (2nd from left), Chief, Heart Lotus Hospice, Tzuchi Hospital, Taiwan; Professor Carmen Chan (3rd from left), Professor, Nethersole School of Nursing, CUHK; Professor T F Fok, Dean (4th from left), Faculty of Medicine, CUHK; Dr Cheung Wai Lun, Director (Cluster Services)(4th from right), Hospital Authority; Professor Anthony Chan (3rd from right), Associate Dean (External Affairs), Faculty of Medicine, CUHK;Ms Agnes Tin (2nd from right), Teaching Consultant, Centre on Behavioral Health, University of Hong Kong; and representatives from Li Ka-shing Foundation attend the opening ceremony

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05 November 2009

LKSF and Ministry of Civil Affairs launch RMB 50 million Paediatric Hernia Rehabilitation Programme in three western Provinces

  (Beijing, 5 November 2009) The Ministry of Civil Affairs today announced a joint venture with the Li Ka-shing Foundation to launch the Paediatric Hernia Rehabilitation Programme in Qinghai, Gansu and Ningxia to provide free operations for children suffering from hernia. The Foundation will commit... Read More

03 September 2009

Lee Kuan Yew School celebrates 5th anniversary with a gala dinner and dialogue session with MM Lee Kuan Yew formerUN secretary-General Kofi Annan to become School’s first Li Ka-shing Professor; Chinese language graduate public administration programme to begin in March 2010

  Singapore, September 2, 2009: The Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy today celebrated the fifth anniversary of its establishment as an autonomous graduate school of the National University of Singapore. To mark the occasion, the School hosted a gala dinner for 800 guests, including government... Read More