12 November 2011

Opening Ceremony of The 4thAnnual Palliative Care Symposium for Health Care Workers in Chinese Population

(Hong Kong, 12 November 2011) The 4thAnnual Palliative Care Symposium for Health Care Workers in Chinese Population jointly organized by the Faculty of Medicine at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine at The University of Hong Kong (HKU) with the support of the... Read More

22 October 2011

Touring the Li Ka Shing Center, Mr Li engages in a scientific experiment related to embryonic stem cells with Fong Yick-wah (right), a post-doctoral student at the University of California Berkeley. Fong emigrates to the United States from Hong Kong at 18, shortly before finishing Form 5 at Shau Kei Wan Government Secondary School, and earns both his Bachelor’s degree and PhD from Berkeley. Looking on is Professor Robert Tjian, founding faculty director of the center.

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