28 June 2013

The Pragmatic Dreamer

We may differ in capabilities and moral bearings, but we share the same duty to probe and push for social progress, justice and prosperity, values that transcend inequalities. This is the best investment that pays out dividends of hope and social enrichment. Read More

28 June 2013

Act Now – Solution is Waiting Round the Bend Empathy and Engagement are keys to resolving inequality

(Shantou and Hong Kong, 28 June 2013) Mr Li Ka-shing put forth a challenge to graduating class of the Shantou University (STU) today at Commencement: Who but you, with your skill sets and talent, can create a better tomorrow for our society? Delivering his speech titled “The Pragmatic Dreamer” at... Read More

28 June 2013

Mr Li Ka-shing thanks Professor Xu Bing, renowned printmaking Chinese artist, for attending today’s ceremony as guest of honour and keynote speaker. Professor Xu has extensively contributed to contemporary arts, and has been awarded MacArthur Fellowships, nicknamed Genius Grant, in the United States, and was the first winner of the Artes Mundi Prize in the visual arts arena in the United Kingdom, and won the United States of America Print Arts lifetime achievement award.

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03 May 2013

Prime Minister joins Sir Ka-shing Li for launch of £90m initiative in big data and drug discovery at Oxford University

(London, 3 May 2013) The new Centre for Health Information and Discovery, made possible with a donation of £20 million from the Foundation, was launched by the Prime Minister David Cameron and Mr. Li Ka-shing. The focus of the new Centre is to tap the potential of “big data” to revolutionise health... Read More