13 January 2015

Techcracker Lab Delegates Return to Hong Kong from Israel Motivated with “Chutzpah” and a Dose of “Innovation DNA”

(Israel, 12 January, 2105)–On 8 January, 50 Hong Kong students selected to join the Techcracker Lab programme ventured out of their comfort zones, and headed to Israel for a journey across the “Startup Nation”. Upon arrival, the group was met with unpredictable weather and snow, yet they managed... Read More

08 January 2015

“Observe, Think, Have Fun and Take Care of Each Other” Mr Li Ka-shing Sees Off Hong Kong Students Traveling to Israel for “Techcracker Lab”

(Hong Kong, 8 January 2015) One hundred Hong Kong students and teachers head out today to Tel Aviv for the Techcacker Lab programme jointly organised by the Li Ka Shing Foundation and the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology. They were pleasantly surprised to see Mr Li Ka-shing and Consul General... Read More

15 December 2014

The 7th Palliative Care Symposium for Health Care Workers in Chinese Population: ‘Palliative Care in the Community’

(Hong Kong, 15 December 2014) The 7th Annual Palliative Care Symposium for Health Care Workers in Chinese Population, jointly organised by the Faculty of Medicine of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK); Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine of The University of Hong Kong (HKU), The Hong Kong College... Read More

24 November 2014

Techcracker Lab presents Innovation and Entrepreneurship 101: With Perseverance and Chutzpah

(Hong Kong, 24 November 2014) In 1923, after the First World War, Albert Einstein visited the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, Israel. He founded the Technion Society and whilst there, planted the iconic Washingtonion Robusta. Still standing, the palm tree is symbolic of the Society’s... Read More

20 November 2014

21st HKICC Hospice & Palliative Social Work Satellite Symposium – “The Art of Palliative Social Work – Research, Practice and Beyond”

To promote a positive attitude towards death and dying and to increase public awareness of hospice and palliative care, the 21st Hong Kong International Cancer Congress Hospice & Palliative Social Work Satellite Symposium “The Art of Palliative Social Work – Research, Practice and Beyond... Read More

13 November 2014

Dare to Venture into the Impossible LKSF Techcracker Lab Sponsors Students to “Start-up Nation” Israel

(Hong Kong, 10 November 2014) In this data-driven, talent-centric economy, innovation is critical to sustainable development and progress. The Li Ka Shing Foundation is proud to announce a collaboration with the Technion- Israel Institute of Technology to launch Techcracker Lab. About Techcracker Lab... Read More

10 October 2014

Techcracker Revisits China – Mr. Li Ka-shing Introduces Seven Disruptive Startups in Shanghai

After the tremendous success of the first Techcracker series in May introduced another seven global high-tech startups on October 9, 2014 at the iconic Lyceum Theatre. The half-day road show featured inspiring presentations by eight founders from seven technology start-ups around the world. Hailing from... Read More