February 7, 2000 — Mr. Li Ka-shing, a strong supporter of life-long education, believes that learning from experience is just as important as learning from books. With the support of the Education Department, the Li Ka-shing Foundation has donated HK$7 million to sponsor a Millennium Study... Read More
for almost anything worthwhile, anything in which one can take pride, a great deal of time, effort, will power, discipline, persistence, and self-restraint is required. In this new age, wealth is the product of knowledge. It is a great personal asset and should be valued highly. Read More
The Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK) today (Tuesday) unveiled its plan to establish a 3,100-square metre regional learning centre on Hong Kong Island, thanks to a $40-million donation by the Li Ka-shing Foundation to make up the necessary funding for the entire project. The new centre will be established... Read More
June 29, 1999 – Sponsored by Cheung Kong (Holdings) Ltd and Hutchison Whampoa Ltd, and produced by internationally acclaimed director Gu Chang-wei, the “Knowledge Changes Fate” mini-documentaries have won three awards at the 1999 4As Creative Awards Presentation. The awards presented... Read More
The Faculty of Medicine of The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Shantou University Medical College were linked today at the first ever telemedicine conference between the two universities. The conference was held to commemorate the opening of the Orthopaedic Learning Centre, Department of Orthopaedics... Read More
(April 29, 1999 – Hong Kong) Cheung Kong (Holdings) Ltd and Hutchison Whampoa Ltd have sponsored the production of a series of mini-documentaries titled “Knowledge Changes Fate” to promote the concept of education. The idea of producing this documentary originated from Mr. Li Ka-shing,... Read More
It is a great pleasure to be here today for the opening ceremony of the Buddhist Li Chong Yuet-Ming Nursing Home. I wish to thank you all for taking time out from your busy schedules to attend this ceremony. Read More
Revitalizing our nation through science and education is not a concept far removed from our daily lives. It is in fact closely related to our future. Read More