
21 July 2004

Lifeline Express gathers steams as Hutchison Whampoa sponsors eye operations in Sichuan

  (July 21, 2004 Hong Kong) Lifeline Express, a 3-carriage hospital train that shuttles amongst remote regions of mainland China providing free medical treatment for the needy, will make a stop in Sichuan in mid-August to perform eye surgery on patients blinded by cataracts. Hutchison Whampoa Limited... Read More

25 May 2004

International Television Festival held in China for the first time Shantou University Cheung Kong School of Journalism and Communication fosters international media exchange

  Over 200 international electronic media professionals, journalists and students and faculty of Shantou University’s Cheung Kong School of Journalism and Communication gathered at Shantou University last week to participate in the International Television Festival sponsored by the Li Ka-shing... Read More