
Healthy Bodies for a Healthy City

17 September 2000

It is a pleasure to be here today for the launching ceremony of “Better Health for a Better Hong Kong”, which is a territory-wide outreach health promotion program co-organized by the Health InfoWorld of the Hospital Authority and the Li Ka-shing Foundation. The staff of the Hospital Authority have put in a great deal of effort into this 5-year campaign, and I take this opportunity to express my gratitude.

Staying in good health is similar to maintain the integrity of a dam. If you discover a small leak, you can fix it with just a little effort. But if you ignore the problem, it may one day develop into a large crack and cause the dam to break. By then it may be too late. By providing free medical tests and health education to the public, Better Health for a Better Hong Kong aims to promote the importance of early detection and prevention of diseases.

The campaign got off to a good start today with hundreds of people taking part in the program. I hope that over the next five years, more and more people will continue to take advantage of these services.

Hong Kong is our home. We rely on people from all walks of life to contribute to our economic progress. I ask all of you to live a happy and healthy life through exercising and a balanced diet, so that we can all stay in good health and contribute to society.

Under the chairmanship of Mr. Peter Woo, the Hospital Authority has achieved great progress. I take this opportunity to congratulate Mr. Woo and to wish him continued success. Thank you.