Techcracker Exponential Learning Program
Photo Count : 912
Techcracker Exponential Learning Program
Launch of First Israeli University in China Five thousand in attendance for groundbreaking of Guangdong Techni...
Public art projection featuring images of humanity and climate change to illuminate St. Peter’s Basilica on ...
World Leaders to Stand for Peace at UNESCO on Its 70th Anniversary
Projecting Change: The Empire State Building
A Life Changing New Milestone for China’s Organ Transplantation Reforms The Li Ka Shing Foundation Supports...
Li Ka-shing introduces the “Thriver” OS with empathy as its kernel
Earthquake Relief in Nepal
Tsz Shan Monastery opens to the public
Life Science Powering the Future Project Prometheus Recommences at Shantou University
Techcracker Lab Delegates Return to Hong Kong from Israel Motivated with “Chutzpah” and a Dose of “Innov...
“Observe, Think, Have Fun and Take Care of Each Other” Mr Li Ka-shing Sees Off Hong Kong Students Traveli...