HKSAR 20th Anniversary Celebration: HKXP Let’s do this; bring on the game!
Photo Count : 912
HKSAR 20th Anniversary Celebration: HKXP Let’s do this; bring on the game!
World’s largest health big data institute opens in Oxford
Hannah and Jasmine keep unchanging promise and persevere for the 640km journey to Hong Kong
We R Family Foundation Charity Walk raises funds for 333 Learning Companion Leadership Program
Li Ka Shing Foundation gifts NZ$5 million to University of Auckland to promote innovation and philanthropy
Decide Well starts
LKSF philanthropy showcased in new China Charity Museum
Decide Well, Spend Wisely Update on key points and next steps
Decide Well, Spend Wisely A gift of HK$5,000 for 2017 HKDSE students in two districts
Tsz Shan Monastery Supports CUHK to Establish ‘Ashoka Tree’ Youth Personal Growth Programme
Love HK Your Way! Contribution to “Sounds Great” is Music to Ears of the Needy
Li Ka-shing encourages STU graduates to be innovative solution providers and strategic visionaries Achieve exc...