
A Fountain of Ideals

18 June 2009

Government Officials, Faculty and Administrators, Chief Librarian Yang, Council Members, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Libraries all over the world might come in different forms, shapes and sizes, but they all share the enduring value of serving learning, an enabler for everyone to a life of the mind in the way they choose. We live in a time of change.  Truths we once thought as immutable often require intellectual agility and reflective ability to continue their relevance.  As our search for the meaning of life intensifies, Shantou University’s library is more than a hub which facilitates learning; it should be a fountain of ideals.

I also want to take this opportunity to thank each member of the project management team whose dedication, toil, and contribution successfully completed this wonderful center on schedule and within budget. Your achievement is in itself an inspiration.

From here, countless students now and in the future will discover within these walls the truth, ideals, and pathways leading not only to personal growth, but to greatness for the individual and for society.

Thank you.