Press Releases

Decide Well, Spend Wisely
A gift of HK$5,000 for 2017 HKDSE students
in two districts

27 July 2016

(Hong Kong, 27 July 2016) Building on the successful 2010 “Love HK Your Way!” campaign, Li Ka Shing Foundation (LKSF) is launching another new initiative together with NGO partners. Project “Decide Well, Spend Wisely” is a gift of HK$5,000 that provides unconditional and direct financial support to 2017 Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE) students from Tin Shui Wai and Island Districts.

Please stay tuned for details on the project.


1. What’s the purpose of this project?

We hope the gift of HK$5,000 will enable recipients to focus their energy facing the HKDSE examination. We trust that they will spend the money wisely according to their needs.

2. Why cash?

Feedback we received from “Love HK Your Way!” campaign indicated unconditional cash distribution could be a direct and cost-efficient approach.

3. Why HK$5,000?

It’s our team’s general consensus that HK$5,000 for nine months is a reasonable amount for this initiative.

4. What are the expectations for students and the application requirements?

The HK$5,000 is essentially an unconditional gift. We trust that students can make wise decision and manage their finances responsibly. The amount will be distributed to the HKDSE students from Tin Shui Wai and Island Districts upon registration.

5. What is the expected outcome of this project?

We believe this unconditional and financial support is a worthwhile pilot scheme.

6. Why are secondary schools in Tin Shui Wai and Island Districts chosen?

The two districts were suggested because they are remote districts.

7. Any possibility to extend the project to include other areas?

We will review our learnings from this pilot scheme and decide then.


About “Love HK Your Way!”

“Love HK Your Way!” is a HK$300 million campaign of a series of philanthropic programmes launched by the LKSF in 2010 and it was kicked started with “Love Ideas, Love HK”, an interactive initiative that combined powers of technology, charity and community awareness. The LKSF distributed grants to 763 philanthropic projects elected by the Hong Kong people and to date there have been over 3 million beneficiaries. The programme “The March of Social Engineers” was launched in 2013 to support Hong Kong’s social workers and amalgamate participation, inclusion and responsible citizenship. The 90 selected projects funded by the programme completed successfully and benefitted over 210,000 people.

About the Li Ka Shing Foundation

Established in 1980, the Li Ka Shing Foundation (LKSF) has four core imperatives: 1) foster change, 2) empower people, 3) develop a better society, and 4) inspire societal improvement. Mr. Li considers the Foundation to be his “third son” and has pledged one-third of his assets to it. To date, over HK$20 billion has been put to work to support all its initiatives across 27 countries and regions. 87% of LKSF’s donations benefit projects in the Greater China region.

For more information, please visit:



Instagram: @lksfoundation


For inquiries, please contact:

Li Ka Shing Foundation

Mr Jeremy Lau

Tel: (852) 2128 1207
Fax: (852) 2128 1766
