
Guangdong Technion –
Israel Institute of Technology Inauguration Ceremony

16 December 2015

Speech by Mr. Li Ka-shing

The Honourable President Peres, Governor Zhu, Minister Akunis, President Lavie, Chancellor Li, Vice Chancellor Ciechanover, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

Good morning, welcome to Shantou!

We just bore witness to a historical moment. I am most certain, everyone who has laboured for five years to make this vision into reality must be as thrilled and exuberant as I am.

When I am weary and feeling worn, when I am gloomy and feeling torn, I think of Shantou University, herein lies my heart—forever sealed and cast in its halls of learning.

This barren land has turned into a field of dreams. Today 30 plus years later, 40,000 graduates from our university are pursuing their dreams and missions, each in their own way and our medical graduates serve 70% of the patients in Chaoshan area.

Driving reforms in education through a dense forest of ideology could be a most harrowing and lonesome venture—toiling through thick and thin. But out of difficulties grew miracles—and this is an awesome one.

Since 2001, Shantou University has successfully pioneered a series of constructive reforms in higher education. Together with Technion Institute, I am so excited at the prospect of even greater transformative changes for the individual and for our country.

In this day and age, no one has an iota of doubt that technological innovation underpins a country’s ability to create collective wealth, and is the key impetus to individual success. Creativity is the defining centrepiece of our time—powering us into the future. Talent, imagination, meta-thinking and qualitative intelligence could neither be moulded, controlled nor channeled. Establishing a creative paradigm is not easy to set right, only through education and the rule of law can we build a free and fair, fun and fruitful future for all.

One of the founders of Technion Albert Einstein said, “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

These are words that resonate deeply in me. No one can afford to sit and wait for miracles—miracles don’t just happen! You make them happen. I am 87 years old, my unchanging promise is that I will never stop pushing forward for a more hopeful future.

We witness today the miracle of tomorrow in GTIIT.  To all levels of the Chinese government who supported our quest and walked a thousand miles with unyielding determination, words alone cannot express my deepest gratitude to you all—especially Governor Zhu. And to all my friends in Technion, thank you for pioneering the future of humanity. To the State of Israel, thank you for sharing your greatest treasure with us.

GTIIT will be the home for the wise and innovators. With the profound impact it will bring to mankind and my beloved homeland, I envision a wonderful world for everyone—for generations to thrive with dignity, freedom and happiness. Thank you!