Press Releases

World Leaders to Stand for Peace at UNESCO on Its
70th Anniversary

17 November 2015

With the Facades of UNESCO’s Iconic Headquarters Illuminated with
a Live Visual Projection Experience for Peace
Follows Performance by “World Orchestra for Peace”

Monday, November 16 marked the 70th anniversary of the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). World leaders gathered at the Paris headquarters in a unified stand for peace, and against violent extremism, in the face of Friday’s terrorist attacks.

The UNESCO Director¬-General Irina Bokova, together with the Executive Director of the Li Ka Shing Foundation Solina Chau, delivered opening remarks to unveil the “Mosaic of Change” live architectural projections immediately following the World Orchestra for Peace, made up of 40 musicians from 20 countries who performed in dedication to the families and to the memory of those whose lives were lost in the terrorist attacks.

The projections are a statement to those in Paris and around the world, who viewed the live stream via, that UNESCO stands true of its founding constitution from 1945, seventy years ago today: “building peace in the minds,” which is more relevant today than ever before.

Solina Chau, Executive Director of the Li Ka Shing Foundation, thanked Madame Irina Bokova, UNESCO’s Director-General for the opportunity to share the organisation’s 70th anniversary. “History shows us that peace is so difficult to build and easily destroyed,” she said, and paying homage to UNESCO’s motto, Ms Chau remarked, “Building peace in the minds of men and women –if won–will be the most well fought fight.”

A key element in Mosaic of Change is transforming UNESCO’s iconic headquarters using a large-scale visual projection show with a musical score derived from UNESCO’s archival collection. In the wake of the attacks, and in advance of the anniversary, MOC worked overnight to project the word “Peace” onto the facades in the six official UN languages: French, Spanish, English, Arabic, Russian and Chinese.

Mosaic of Change is a collaboration involving UNESCO, Millennium ART (organizers and curators), Obscura Digital (creative technology studio) and the Li Ka Shing Foundation (global title sponsor).

UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova
World Leaders Representing: Bulgaria, Cameroon, the Former Republic of Yugoslavia, Libya, Lithuania and India
Mr. Eric Falt, UNESCO Assistant Director-General
Ms. Solina Chau, Executive Director of the Li Ka Shing Foundation
Mr. Frank Sixt, Director Li Ka Shing Foundation
Ms. Mia Hanak, Executive Director Mosaic of Change and Millennium ART
Mr. Chris Lejeune, Co-founder and CEO of Obscura Digital
Video of the “Peace” projections can be found,

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