Press Releases

Love Hong Kong! “Like” to Vote! Support our Social Engineers!

18 December 2013

Dear Hong Kong Citizens and Friends,

Season’s greetings!

Amidst the fast paced bustle of our great city, wouldn’t it be great if we could pause for a second and give support to someone who is carrying a heavy load for HK on his or her way?

The latest numbers paint their stories: there are 260,000 children from grass root families, 130,000 unemployed, 120,000 single-living elderly, and over 70,000 runaway troubled teenagers. Every day, Hong Kong’s 18,000 registered social workers are tirelessly labouring 50-hour plus workweeks to lend a helping hand to the aging, to the lonely, to the weary and defenceless; channelling light, warmth and bringing hope to improve the well being of our community.

We, the Li Ka Shing Foundation, together with the Hong Kong Council of Social Service and St James’ Settlement, launched “The March of Social Engineers” program in November – this offshoot of LKSF’s “Love Ideas, Love HK” program received an overwhelming 390 proposals from registered social workers.

From 23 December to 11 January 2014, citywide registered social workers may support their peers by voting for their favourite proposals; the top 25% will receive a funding of HKD 100,000. In addition, the funding of the top 20 elected projects most “liked” by the public will also be doubled to a total of HKD 200,000.

Please support our social workers with your gift of “like”—it is easy—you just need to browse through the listed projects on today and click on the “like” button.

Results will be announced on 15 January 2014 and funding will be granted within one month. Everyone can follow the progress of the successful projects on, and should they wish to, can give further support to the social workers through their affiliated qualified charitable organisations’ websites.

Hong Kong is renowned as a kind and decent society, we may be passionate and divisive towards an array of issues but we have deep capacity for empathy, fairness and mutual kindness. We rank 19th in the world, and devote 80 million hours to volunteer service each year. Let’s take a cup of kindness together, find time to love our city; “Like” to vote; support our social engineers today.

Thank you and Warmest, The Li Ka Shing Foundation 18 December 2013

P.S “Love Ideas, Love HK” Round 4 coming soon in Q1 of 2014. Stay tuned!

About the Li Ka Shing Foundation
The Li Ka Shing Foundation was established in 1980 by global entrepreneur and philanthropist Li Ka-shing. Mr Li considers the Foundation to be his “third son” and has pledged one-third of his assets to it. To date, the Foundation has granted over HK$14.5 billion (US$1.86 billion) in charitable donations, approximately 90 per cent in support of education reform initiatives and medical services in Greater China region. The Foundation supports projects that promote social progress through expanding access to quality education and medical services and research, encouraging cultural diversity and community involvement. For more information, please visit:

For inquiries, please contact:

Li Ka Shing Foundation
Mr Jeremy Lau
Tel: +852-2128 1207
Fax: +852-2128 1766