Press Releases

1 Million Oranges for Healthcare Workers

08 April 2003


The Li Ka-shing Foundation has responded recently to the atypicial pnemonia crisis by donating one million oranges to healthcare workers in Hong Kong to boost their health as well as their morale.

Responding to an appeal made by a famous local radio talk show host Mr. Albert Cheng, Mr. Li Ka-shing is donating one million oranges to all healthcare workers in Hong Kong through the Li Ka-shing Foundation. Mr Li’s decision was made in less than three minutes and the Foundation lost no time in translating the idea into action. The oranges are being shipped in from the US and would be equivalent to around 20 days’ supply for all 50,000 healthcare workers in Hong Kong.

The first batch of oranges arrived from the US this morning and were immediately distributed to the healthcare workers.

Other than providing a source of Vitamin C to help boost the immunity of healthcare workers, the donation is meant to convey a strong message of support to medical personnel who have been working tirelessly and selflessly to stamp out the disease. It is the Foundation’s wish that through this donation medical professionals will realise how much their dedication and self-sacrifice is appreciated by the public, and that far from fighting alone in this battle against atypical pneumonia, they have the entire community behind them. Indeed they have won the hearts of all Hong Kong citizens whose thoughts are with them during this period.

08 April 2003