Press Releases

Shantou University Confers First Doctorate Degrees

27 June 2002


Shantou University, Li Ka-shing Foundation’s key project, held its Sixteenth Congregation today, and conferred its first doctorate degrees since it was founded. It was a hallmark of the tremendous achievements of Mr Li Ka-shing and the staff members of Shantou University over the 20 years since its inception.

Mr Li Ka-shing, Honorary Chairman of the Council of Shantou University, delivered a speech at the graduation ceremony. He reviewed the great efforts of the University over the past years that culminated in its present success. Mr Li said, “I can still remember the distinctive scent of the fields on which our university now stands. It is so remarkable that today we gather here to witness the conferment of our first doctoral degrees. It fills me with an emotion that words cannot express. Twenty years is a long time. Time has no meaning should it be just a mere accumulation of days. Apprehension seems to exist that Shantou University is my lonely passion. Therefore today, particularly today, I must not forget to thank all of you friends and colleagues, past and present, for all the support you have given me. I want to repeat here what I have said before: Shantou University, you are my commitment and dedication that will carry beyond my lifetime.”

The speech delivered by Mr Li at the ceremony was entitled “The Dynamics of the Games We Play”, in which he encouraged the new graduates.

Another keynote speaker at the ceremony was Prof Yuan Longping, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. Prof Yuan is a renowned scientist and seed breeding expert in China. He initiated the study on hybrid paddy rice and succeeded in increasing rice production. He has been internationally honoured as the “father of hybrid rice”. He started the study of rice hybridization techniques in 1964 and became the first scientist in the world to make successful breakthroughs in rice hybridization. Prof Yuan is currently focusing on his research in super-hybrid rice and has made significant progress. He has been to the United States seven times to participate in joint research programmes as Senior Scientist at the International Rice Institute, and has been appointed six times by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations as Chief Adviser to India and Myanmar to advise on the development of hybrid rice. His research in hybrid rice has benefited the whole world.

To add some artistic delight to the Congregation this year, the Council of Shantou University specially invited world famous sculptor Ju Ming to stage an exhibition of his latest works at the University, and also hosted the state-level China Philharmonic Orchestra, which performed a concert in the evening for all the guests.

27 Jun 2002