Press Releases

Another $600 million committed to support Shantou University Chinese, Hong Kong and American Scholars join new University Council

20 May 2000


Mr. Li Ka-shing has committed over $1.2 billion to support Shantou University since its establishment. During the inaugural meeting of the 5th University Council, Li announced that his Li Ka-shing Foundation would donate a further $600 million over the coming five years to support the continuing development of Shantou University and its medical college. Planned programmes include staff recruitment, incentive schemes, the third phase of the First Affiliated Hospital, Info-tech education, and international exchanges. It is hoped that the Provincial Government and the Ministry of Education can allocate the necessary resources to support these initiatives.

The chairman of the Li Ka-shing Foundation and Honorary Chairman of the University Council, Mr. Li said, “In my 60-year career, I have come to realise that knowledge is my most precious asset. Although I was deprived of a formal education, I was determined from an early age to support the development of education and medical care for as long as I am able. I announced a further donation of $600 million today to be used over the next five years for Shantou University’s continuing development. I hope that the Central and Provincial Governments can lend their support in terms of policy-setting and resource allocation. Together we can help Shantou University produce top-caliber graduates who can drive our nation’s future prosperity.”

Shantou University’s Council was first set up in 1987 and each term lasted three years. It is one of the few universities that boast its own board of governors. The latest council increases the number of academics, educators and professionals and has invited Chinese scholars from Hong Kong, mainland China and the US to help guide the University’s future course. The new council members include Mr. Chen Zhu of the Chinese Academy of Sciences who is also the winner of the first Cheung Kong Achievement Award; Professor C.K. Poon, Vice-Chancellor of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Professor Felix Wu, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University of Hong Kong; Professor Sydney Chung, head of the Chinese University of Hong Kong Faculty of Medicine; Professor John Wong, Head of Department of Surgery at the University of Hong Kong; and Dr. Alan Yeung, Associate Professor at the Stanford University Medical Center.

Shantou University has achieved numerous milestones in the 19 years since its founding. It will continue to develop its core disciplines with a focus on information technology to create cross-disciplinary excellence. The University will also look into establishing a school of information technology to consolidate its position as a leading provider of science education.