Press Releases

Cheung Kong and Hutchison Whampoa sponsor "Knowledge Changes Fate"

29 April 1999

(April 29, 1999 – Hong Kong) Cheung Kong (Holdings) Ltd and Hutchison Whampoa Ltd have sponsored the production of a series of mini-documentaries titled “Knowledge Changes Fate” to promote the concept of education. The idea of producing this documentary originated from Mr. Li Ka-shing, Chairman of the Group, reflecting his strong belief in the vital importance of education and knowledge.

Produced by internationally acclaimed director Gu Chang-wei, the mini-documentaries feature stories of well-known personalities such as movie producer, Zhang Yi-mou, and Olympic medallist Chen Cui-ting, as well as lesser known characters, such as a young man who had to carry his disabled father to school, and two sisters whose family could only afford to send one of them to school and the decision as to who could receive education was determined by drawing straws. Each of those stories depicts how valuable knowledge is and how knowledge changed their lives as well as those surrounding them.

The mini-documentary series are aired as public information broadcasts on CCTV every evening in Mainland China. For Hong Kong, they are broadcasted on TVB Jade every evening during the week at 9:10pm, and Metro Radio and Ming Pao also feature a story from the series everyday during the week (until July 8).